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Did you know that YouTube currently has 2.5 billion monthly active users worldwide! Video is HUGE and if you aren’t harnessing the power of video across your social media channels in 2024, then there is no doubt that you will not be maximising the return on your social media marketing investment. Today, no matter which social media platform you visit you’ll find everyone from the biggest brands to the smallest businesses using quality video content to capture your attention and encourage you to engage and convert.

Video has become one of the most important marketing channels and video content is now an integral part of marketing strategies, especially those aimed at younger generations. When video is utilised and targeted correctly it can achieve extraordinary results!

There are many key benefits of video content:

  • It has a huge reach
  • It is more engaging than static content
  • It allows you to tell a story
  • It helps you build brand trust
  • Impressive ROI
  • In-depth data
  • Actionable insights

What are some of the most useful types of video content for social media?

Selecting the right video format for your social media content is crucial. The type of video content that you choose to use must align with your audience’s preferences for it to bring optimum results. There are many types to choose from, and our social media experts can help you choose which would be best for your business:

  • Brand videos
  • Live videos
  • Event videos
  • Testimonials / reviews

What will work for one business may not work for another, but we know how to harness the power of video to suit your audience. If you are using video in your marketing strategy but it isn’t converting, or if you’re just starting to delve in to the world of video content and want to ensure you’re set up for success, get in touch with our team today!

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