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Visionary Media a Social Media Company UK Talk About #Twitter

Last month we celebrated Twitter’s 10th Birthday!

Let’s look at how the social media platform has changed marketing in the past 10 years.

1- The Hashtag #- The hashtag since Twitter has taken over almost all social media platforms with users Hashtagging various words to be seen on a larger scale.

2 -The opportunity for businesses to create personalised content for their followers. Did you know that some businesses send videos and handwritten notes in response to followers queries?

3 – Fast customer service-followers reach out to Twitter to receive the answer and assistance they need to a query without having to phone the customer services telephone number directly.

4- Becoming a companion for Television viewers – This means that television viewers use the app to express their likes and dislikes about a specific program or film they are watching on the television.

5- Businesses have been able to become a more authentic brand through interaction on Twitter.

Twitter has become a successful social media platform for marketers alike, with an increase of businesses using Twitter to advertise their company.

What do you think of using Twitter as a digital marketing tool?

Keep up to date with #digital #marketing, and follow Visionary Media, a Social Media Company UK, on Twitter today –  @VisioanryMedia_

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